July 15, 2024

Dash first hears about Elsie MacGill

When I first started writing The Secret Keeper, Gus had not yet enlisted. He and Dash worked together on cars. This was my original introduction of […]
March 3, 2019

The Gown

Beautiful, compelling, and everything I love about Ms Robson’s writing, plus so much more. I read her “About the Book” at the end, and what she […]
March 3, 2019
Dear Mrs Bird

Dear Mrs. Bird

I LOVED this book. And I REALLY wish I could meet – and hug! – dear Emmeline, Bunty, both Mr Collinses, William, Roy, Kathleen … What […]
March 3, 2019

The Orphan’s Tale

All the accolades I had seen for this book are so well deserved. Pam Jenoff’s smooth, compelling voice wove a glorious “spider’s web” (circus term I […]
October 20, 2018

Letters to Audrey

The time Audrey and Danny had together at first was brief, but they both felt a connection. They also suffered a sense of loss when they […]