Advertisement announcing the impending arrival of British children to Canada.
Below you will see bits and pieces of paper relating to the British Home Child scheme. I found the wording of most of these documents to be particularly disturbing, since they sound more like they’re discussing something inanimate, not the most precious of all things: a child.
Advertisement announcing the impending arrival of British children to Canada.
Sample application form to be filled out by the children’s future “Master”.
Application form – don’t forget to include the $3 application fee!
The Master’s application fee receipt.
The Master’s contract …
… and the child’s:
An example of a little girl’s packing list
A sample of the sticker that was placed inside the cover of the children’s Bibles.
Despite being “unwanted” by either Britain or Canada,
over 10,000 British Home Children fought in WW1, and 20,000 in WW2.