January 10, 2023

Someday I’ll Find You

“Someday I’ll Find You” is an absolutely wonderful novel, rich with fascinating historical gems, driven by fast paced adventures and intrigue that held me spellbound the […]
November 1, 2022

The Diamond Eye

I have run out of ways to describe how much I admire Kate Quinn’s stunning novels – and the fact that she seems incapable of producing […]
July 5, 2022

The Foundling

I loved Ann Leary’s voice throughout this powerful story, and now I am keen to read her backlist. Set in the US during a time when […]
June 7, 2022

The Little French Bridal Shop

Such an adorable story. I started out a little confused about the main character, Larisa. In fact, I was starting to think I didn’t like her. […]
May 10, 2022

Moonlight and the Pearler’s Daughter

Absolutely gorgeous debut by journalist and travel writer, Lizzie Pook. One need read no farther than the first sentence to know this will be a deliciously […]
May 10, 2022

Sarah’s Key

The thing about history is … we think we’ve heard it all, and yet we know so little. And the more I learn, the hungrier I […]
February 16, 2022

The Lost Chapter

“The Lost Chapter” is a heartwarming, beautifully crafted story of family and friendships, tragedy and resilience, and the power of believing in one’s self even when […]
January 23, 2022

Circus of Wonders

“Circus of Wonders” hypnotized me from its first page to the last. From Nell’s beginnings as a dirt-poor girl born into a dusty, poverty-stricken village in […]
December 28, 2021

Bloomsbury Girls

One of the most frustrating parts about reading historical fiction is trying to conceive the reality of just how much women had stacked up against them […]