October 20, 2018

Soldiers In Conversation

Very rarely did soldiers get away from the war to enjoy the luxury of a little rest. When they did, the breaks were too brief for […]
October 20, 2018

Letters of Condolence

In the original book, Danny’s friends Jimmy and Fred were killed in a battle previous to the one that injured Danny. Torn apart by the losses, […]
October 20, 2018

The Trenches

It could be difficult, in a world gone insane, for a man to hold onto reality when madness beckoned so strongly. This battle scene is different […]
October 20, 2018

Original Opening

When I originally wrote the story, I saw it opening in Danny’s little house along the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. Life wasn’t easy for anyone […]
October 18, 2018

Eugene in the Hospital

In the original book, Eugene was in the hospital, and the whole family came to see him there.   They stayed in Halifax for a week, […]
October 18, 2018

Amelie after Smallpox

In the alternate story, Me’tekw didn’t find Amelie until after she had burned the cabin.   7. Amelie after Smallpox   Morning brought sunshine. I lay […]
October 18, 2018

Second Battle of Ypres

The 2nd Battle of Ypres (April 22 – May 15, 1915). Danny finds himself cornered by the Germans’ insidious chlorine gas attack and facing a very […]
October 17, 2018

Harry Rescues Eugene

Originally I had included an exciting rescue at sea which explained why Harry and Eugene arrived together in Halifax …   It was one of those […]
October 17, 2018

History of Acadians/Mi’kmaq

Amelie introduces us to how the Acadians and the Mi’kmaq coexisted.   History of Acadians/Mi’kmaq When my people first came to this land over a hundred […]